The Blue Martini Lounge is currently hiring for ALL positions for our new location arriving in City North in January. Hiring will take place Monday 12/15/08 through Saturday 12/20/08 from 9 AM until 4 PM at the Desert Ridge Marriot North of the 101 off Tatum. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON. Positions include Bartender, Cocktail Servers, Barbacks, Host/Hostess, ect…
All applicants MUST park in Ballroom Parking at the Marriot and enter through Main Ballroom entrance. Proceed to “Salon J” for interviewing. Applicants must be dedicated to excellence, have strong work ethic, and award winning personality.
Positions of Systems/Office Manager and Events Coordinator also available. To be considered for either of these two positions please send resume and photo to the email address listed below.